Denaria in the media

The goal of the United States' cash phase-out: 60% of Spain still uses banknotes

  • The Denaria platform defends cash as a means of avoiding financial exclusion. Its president, Javier Rupérez, has been in the Congress of Deputies on Monday to speak about this issue, where he denounced that there is an exclusion ‘that has to do with age, that has to do with physical condition and that has to do with geographic location’, he recalled in La Linterna.

Credit cards, Bizum, instant online payment, transfers or digital euro: fewer and fewer people use cash to make payments, and yet, according to data from the Bank of Spain, 6 out of 10 continue to use it. All this despite the closure of ATMs and bank branches.

Thus, the Denaria platform defends cash as a means of avoiding financial exclusion. Its president, Javier Rupérez, has been this Monday in the Congress of Deputies to talk about this issue, where he has denounced that there is an exclusion ‘that has to do with age, that has to do with physical condition and that has to do with geographical location’, he recalls in La Linterna.

The president of the platform stresses that there are millions of people who need cash. ‘They are left out, literally out of the market, but also at the same time literally out of society’, he points out.

60% of Spain uses cash

Ruipérez reveals that one of the data from Denaria's surveys is not only that more than 60% of people need cash, ‘but that there are more than 70% of people who do not use cash, but want cash to exist’. A situation that, in the interviewee's words, arises because ‘they are demanding freedom’. ‘Because they want to be able to choose exactly the payment system they want.

For the member of the specialised cash platform, ‘when you spend in cash, all of that is guaranteed’.’ Cash is safe, cash is free, cash doesn't know exactly what you were counting on immediately’. That's why, Rupérez says, there is a desire to ‘control everything’, something that with cash they don't know exactly where you are, why you are paying, what you are paying for.

The United States against cash

Ruipérez warns that the new US administration would like cash to disappear from the United States, ‘precisely because they want to have practically absolute control’. A trend that, he recalls, has communicative movements and communicative efforts ‘to say that this disappears’.

‘Public surveys by the Bank of Spain say that this is not going away, that is to say, 60% of citizens in Spain use cash, more or less, and 70%, whether they use it or not, want cash to exist.

Source: La Cope